Saturday, October 23, 2010


我现在的生活 : 你一定不会相信 .

每天的我 ,
上班 - 下班 - 回家 - 对着电脑 - 睡觉 .
星期一到六 , 重复这种生活习惯 .
除了星期三有时看电影 ; 星期日会有羽球之外 , 没了 , 也是呆在家 .
但我看现在 , 每一天都得重复做了又做 , 没得选择 .
害怕睡觉前 , 害怕睡醒后 ..
害怕自己清醒的时候 , 害怕孤独的时候 .

别人到了什么节日 , 都庆祝 .
我 ? 呆在家 ..
这种闷闷不乐的心情 , 很辛苦 .
很累 ..

别人总是不相信我这么乖 ,
不是我乖 , 我只是寂寞 .

我真的很不开心 !

在那一瞬间消失 .

没想到自己这么堕落 , 没想到自己这么天真 .
大家都说 ' 大家在一起开心就行了 '
原来也是篇谎话 .
天真的我 ; 自私的我 ,
竟然变得如此堕落 , 也是自己自取的 .

原来才发现自己已经不是一颗名贵的珍珠 .
得到别人的称赞也只不过是篇谎言 .
当自己上档了 , 也还不相信是真的 !
当那颗拥有安全感的心突然间被刺破了 ..
那种感受真的很想在一瞬间伤害自己 ;
好让自己安慰自己说不是真的 .. !!!

突然间看见这样的字眼 , 我真的接受不到 !
我没办法接受 !
可是到最后 , 也得忍着那份痛 ..
我的心的确破碎了 .

唯一依靠的 ,
唯一能撒娇的 ,
唯一能开心的 ..
到此统统被没收 .

心情开始像以前那样不知所措 ,
仿佛希望自己存在昏迷状态 .
不让自己有清醒的机会 !
可是我看 , 不可能 .
要我面对 , 我不敢 .

以前有什么困难一起闯 , 有什么事情一起当 .
教会我做人要乐观 , 开心 .

就在那突然间 , 消失了!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

最近 ~

最近都比较忙,没时间写 ..

我呀..最近都很乖 :D
没什么出去了,相信吗? 哈哈 .

我最近都有不同的造型 ..
就是这个 ..

比较成熟吧 ? 哈哈 ..

我家附近开了一间塘水店 .. 不错哦 :)
只是卖糖水和粥 ..
刚我去的时候呢 , 老板说已近没完了 :(
可是他觉得不好意思就有送东西给我们喝 ..
他店的Cappuccino 和珍珠奶茶好喝到 !!! 极点 ><"
哈哈 , 在深斋独中附近 , 但不是 Sri Botani 里面 :) .
如果有兴趣就问我咯 ..
老板说迟一点会弄 Wifi , 不错哦..
是喝茶的好地方 .. 为大家介绍一下 ^^"

我的小' Kancil ' 很不幸地刮花了..
虽然只是 ' Kancil ' , 可是蛮心痛死我 :(
就是一个花盆 .. 自己又看不见 .. 就这样伤害了 :'( ..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Airport De Garden .

Yeolde English Greentown today with my brother :D

3:02 am now , midnight of today .
Just boring and start blogging again :D
I asked my brother to out today when we were still at home around 9 something .
i told him that i was boring at home :(
haha , he said meet jerry supper together .
so we went yeolde english at greentown .

After that jerry told us that he was tired of badminton , want home and sleep =="
it made me and markiz get >_<
SO .. we planed to go De Garden have a sit there .
we went De Garden Airport together with my friend jiajia :)
hehes , we just have a seat there and listening those singer and enjoying our beer .
there was a nice place to let people relax after work .

totally failed without make-up =="


JiaJia and i :)

Uploading picture there :D

Playing his iphone ..

What i should do there ? =="

Toilet :D

Lols , passed a day like that ~
Nights <3

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Freaking sick .

ME ! i'm freaking sick right now and i'm still blogging here .
Just get some flu and cough since yesterday night :( pity me .. hees
i didn't work today , my dad told me that bank didn't open today and called me stay at home accompany mum .
i fetched my mum for lunch together just now and back home for nothing again .. bored .
i didn't eat any medicine or visit a doctor .. that's my style for natural recover back , lols .. haha

Well , i told my mum about the wild boar and it's just near my house .
i guess can say just right opposite the houses are still a oil palm jungle ~
gosh , it made me don't dare to back home late at midnight from now on ..
and we scare that those boar will get attack the guard someday ? haha , silly me @@ ..

Holiday now for hari raya , holiday bored ..
holiday now for hari raya , shop closed .
holiday now for hari raya , no place to go .
one word for chinese bleed , ' sigh '

Just stay at home and keep blogging here ? 0.o ?!

Friday got photoshooting at teluk batik , i didn't go ..
sigh ~ T.T , maybe next time :( .

I'm just waiting the time pass now , having course later .
after that meet my dude at station one and wait bear to back hometown .
tired day , freaking enjoy the happy memories before :) .

enjoy holiday all of you , end now :P

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Piranha night .

I watched Piranha today , but of course not 3D lah .
Haha , ipoh's cinema 3D i have no comment :P .
this movie wasn't scary actually but i get scared by one of my friend =="
he suddenly get frightened and i get affected in twice ..
i felt this movie was just too short maybe ?
hehe , i have no idea on it ^^"

After that , on the way home ..
i saw wild boar across the road .. and it was just near my house .
I asked ' is that a dog ? NO ! , it don't have long tail ! '
gosh , i can't believe that , it is bigger and fatter then a dog man =="

I just can't get sleep .. because i'm scare .. :(

I self loving again today :P

naughty face of mine

end :P

Monday, September 6, 2010

sigh .

I felt unhappy this few day , i felt that get a lot trouble coming toward on me .
whatever in what situation , i feel hard now .

i get a lot of question marks inside my brain ..
with those word , ' should i ? , can i ? may i ? '
confused !

Some more , i hope to cry but i can't .
some times , i cried and i felt myself more worst that i couldn't be .

what's the problem suffering on me ? i don't know .
i just feel regret for myself day by day .

' what's the point to regret everyday ? '
that's no point , don't look back the history , just make it as memories .
come on girl , cheer ! Look forward to your future and keep on going to make your future brightness .
keep giving some support to myself :)

I can't sleep without some warm .
why should i sleep late in every night ?
i couldn't answer when i asked myself ..
just the word ' don't know ' can cover all the things .

' set the target you want and keep going on the target '
what's my target ?
gosh !
what i'm going to do on my future ?
been speechless in a second .

sigh .

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Actually today i'm going out with my cousin , but she told me she can't out in a second after i get all ready =="
So i called jiajia to hang out with me together , and we met up ivy at her shop in parade :) .

well , we bought a lot cheap clothes in the thai fair and some small shop ..
almost bankrupt at last ><" .
but we're happy because it is all cheap and beautiful cloth that we love .

Soh Kaka :)
Captured by Jiajia ;P
I'm the driver =="

around 6 pm , they two asked me for a movie .. PIRANHA .
i said i can't .. i'm gotta watch it on wednesday , i don't hope to watch it twice ><"
after that i fetched them go jusco to have a dinner together ..
they keep captured their self and i keep eating there :P .. haha , cheese chicken wing ..
picture will show out after upload by ivy ..

Saturday, January 9, 2010

我的记忆开始越来越差了 ,
有时候我会想不起小细节 .

希望 , 我不敢再想了
我害怕失望 .

就算你有多理智的性格 , 多成熟 .
当你在一段感情里 , 你也是一样的小孩子
会耍脾气 .

就算你在一段感情里多理智 , 多成熟 .
那也只是一时的想法 .

分手 , 就像代词 .
当说了分手 , 一段感情就这样没了 .

为了一点事情 ,
不懂得迁就 , 不懂得忍让 ;
就连说清楚也不肯 ,
就以为用分手来解决 ,
值得吗 ?

如果真真的一段爱情 ,
就算大家性格不合 ,
地点不同 ,
也会去慢慢了解个人的想法与思考 .

不懂得珍惜一段感情 ,
就得去学习 .

学习去哄 ,
用平静的心情去解决 ,
问个清楚 ,
体谅 ,
忍让 ,
和互相了解 .

信任是在感情里最重要的一点 .

如多次没有好好地珍惜彼此的答应 ,
就渐渐失去了信任 ,
就会没有安全感 .

答应了 , 必须做到 .

我 , 已经不是以前的薇安了 .